18 Mar ENZA Launch Event
ENZA Launch Event
We are pleased to invite you to our inaugural launch event!
ENZA is a coalition of 17 European associations listed below, representing a myriad of economic sectors – from industry to buildings, mobility, forestry and agriculture – and different energy vectors – namely liquid and gaseous fuels, heat, and power. The members of these organisations are committed to climate neutrality following the “we can – we want – we will” approach. ENZA will allow stronger stakeholder alignment on policy options and support decision makers to identify the most comprehensive, impactful, and cost-efficient solutions for climate mitigation. This new platform will seek to promote progressive and sustainable crosscutting solutions with a strong EU footprint.
‘Removing silos will deliver on the EU’s climate and energy objectives’
and what policies are needed to achieve this
Welcome by the ENZA Chair
Paul Voss, Managing Director, Euroheat & Power
Keynote Speech
Dr Tudor Constantinescu, Principal Adviser to the Director General DG Energy, European Commission
Panel Discussion
Adrian Hiel, Energy Cities
Małgosia Rybak, Climate Change & Energy Director, Cepi
Andreas Graf, Project Manager, Agora Energiewende
Pierre Loaec, Policy Officer, DG Energy, European Commission
Closing Remarks by the ENZA Chair
Moderator: Philippa Nuttall Jones, Editor-in-chief, Energy Monitor